Research Measurement Technologies

Bill Harvey Won a 2022 Technology and Engineering EMMY Award
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2020 seauent partners stars of attribution Bill Harvey RMT                CYnopsis Hall of Fame Measure UP! Awards 2022                 first recipient of Erwin Ephron Award

Bill Harvey and Bill McKenna need no introduction in the media and marketing industries, having won numerous awards for the improvements they have made along the way. Research Measurement Technologies, RMT, is their latest venture and it focuses on getting higher positive response from advertising. Their prior venture, now part of TiVo, was TRA, which began the era of big data ROI measurement.

The only way left to get more positive response from advertising is to exalt the ad.


  1. Find the people whom this ad will really move.
  2. Find the contexts that will most amplify this ad.

We’ve been doing it with many companies. Consistently high response results. So much so that we guarantee high response or the equivalent of your money back (a makegood).

Who Uses RMT Technology / Value Signals

Here’s where you’ll find the proof that the RMT method works. Double digit increases in advertising sales effects (NCS) and branding effects (605). +95% increase in ROAS (Neustar). +83% improvement in lookalikes used before (Simmons). Accounts for 48% of sales effect (ARF Cognition Council).

Story of how the technology was developed. (It all started with a program recommender – part of the technology that won an Emmy® Award.)

The industry is finally focusing on Quality Impressions. Excellent work is being done with neuro, attention, biometrics, and AI. RMT technology can enhance all of that. The little-known fact which makes all the difference is that CONTEXT QUALITY IS DIFFERENT FOR EACH AD. The size of the interaction effect between ads and contexts is larger than what the context itself brings to every ad.

This finding is supported by Nielsen’s NCS division which measures sales effects in two separate ways:

    1. NCS reports that contexts themselves account for only 2% of sales effect but cautions that “Context, while it seems to have the smallest overall impact on sales, it is very tightly connected to the specific creative. Context has the potential to provide strong benefits for advertising, though it requires creating content that is properly matched to the surrounding program environment. We believe that the value that was measured is just a small fraction of the potential impact that context can have on advertising.”
    2. NCS also reports that the degree of RMT resonance (alignment) between the ad and the context has double digit sales lift impact.

Over in the right-hand column (below on mobile) you will see the following reports available:

    • 95% increase in incremental sales found by Neustar for major retail chain using RMT Semasio Motivational Targets in programmatic digital.
    • Why effective tune-in advertising is now mission critical for all series in the new crowded and turbulent streaming/linear world of television.
    • Ad-context alignment is far more powerful than context effect alone
    • Brands need to think about human values and motivations in planning their messaging and creative briefs further ahead, so that ad-context alignment can be taken into account in upfront buying, long before specific creative executions are made.
    • AI is leaping ahead in some respects but the most advanced chatbots do not get human feelings. Amidst tens of billions of dollars of investment in AI, much smaller investments in training AI with RMT science of human feelings can equip the next generation of AI with sensitivity to human feelings, values and motivations, which can be activated semantically (words) and semiotically (images).
    • Media optimization is an old subject but not a tired one. The new aspects of media optimization are related to the creative, alignment of creative and context, cross-media, full funnel, and synergy effects.

Please click here if you’d like to have a conversation.

Looking forward to working with you!

All the best,

Bill Harvey
Bill McKenna